New Beginnings

New Beginnings

After the flood and resettlement on the dry ground, Noah had a new project to absorb his energy. He planted a vineyard (Genesis 9:20). And like most gardeners, he sampled the fruits of his labor. Unfortunately, he overindulged and made a fool of himself (v. 21). 

How would God react to this situation? Did He immediately distance Himself from Noah and leave him to sober up and repent before He could be connected to God in a meaningful way?

Ham decided to broadcast what had happened to dad. Instead of being a problem solver, he tended to be a problem multiplier. Thankfully, his brothers were interested in helping their dad when he was in need, so they took action to minimize the problem (v. 23).

Noah took some time before responding, but when he did, he cursed his grandson, the son of Ham (v. 25). Why did Noah draw his grandson into the picture? Did he simply confuse names in an angry outburst?

No. The pronouncement by Noah was made under the influence of divine inspiration (Patriarchs and Prophets p. 117). Noah was not confused. 

But why did he name Canaan as the cursed party? Is it possible that the characteristics exhibited in Ham’s life were being more fully developed in the life of his son, Canaan? Did the words come true?

While most of us have not heard of the Hamites, we are familiar with the Canaanites. We associate them with the inhabitants of the land of Canaan who were to be driven out by the children of Israel in their conquest of the Promised Land. They were idol worshipers and had generally no interest in following or obeying God. 

Could it be Noah’s curse on Canaan was not so much a hateful punishment which subjected all Ham’s descendents to a life of misery, as it was a warning message about how life would be apart from God? We understand that the curses were to be the result of disobedience, while the blessings were the result of obeying God (Deuteronomy 28). It was a simple case of consequences.

Just as the sons of Noah related differently to him when he was down, we too have a choice to make when someone is down. Do we step in to help? Do we act to remedy the problem or do we share the bad news about the person with others, thus expanding the problem? Those who are led to be helpful to those in need will inherit a blessing. Are you looking for ways to aid someone when they are down? Are you praying for Holy Spirit wisdom to be led day by day? If so, brace for an assignment and a blessing.