What to Expect

We are a small-town church with a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. We welcome visitors and members alike.

Look at all the seats you have to choose from!
  • Bible study begins at 9:30 am and includes prayer, singing, a short inspirational message and a mission video. We then separate into two groups for an in-depth Bible study where participation and discussion is encouraged.
  • At 10:45 am, after a short break, our worship service begins. This includes several songs, prayer, announcements, an offering call and a story for the children. These preliminaries are followed by a sermon given by either our pastor or another church member, usually an elder.
  • What is typical attire? All will be welcomed regardless of their attire; however, in dress, as in all things, it is our privilege to honor our Creator. He desires our clothing to be neat, modest, appropriate, becoming and pure.
  • Is child care available? We have classes for children of various age groups from 9:30-10:45 am. There is also a mother’s room available that provides privacy and a quiet play area for small children that may not be able to sit through the worship service.