
Pastor Stephen Gibson
October 2022

Jesus said: The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest (Matthew 9:37-38 NKJV).

Jesus is interested in the harvest, because Jesus is interested in people. He cares whether they are saved or lost. And His vision is for a plentiful harvest. His sacrifice was sufficient for all. So He is eager to see people respond to the offer of salvation.

We may lament that the laborers are few, but this is not a new development. Throughout much of this world’s history, those investing in the salvation of others have been in the minority. Still, the call for laborers is being sounded.

One of the ways we can support the harvest is by praying for the Holy Spirit to find open hearts in our community. We can pray for the individuals living in our neighborhoods. We can initiate a conversation with someone. We can set an example by spending time seeking the Lord personally. 

Have you noticed what happens in Matthew right after Jesus asks His disciples to pray for laborers to be sent out? In the very next verse, Jesus calls them together and empowers them to answer the call to be laborers in God’s harvest (10:1). They were to cast out demons, heal the sick, cleanse lepers, even raise the dead (10:1, 8)! 

Furthermore, they were given a brief sermon to preach. Just a simple sentence: The kingdom of heaven is at hand (v. 7). Apparently, the brief message was to be accompanied by demonstrations (signs and wonders) that affirmed the truth of their statement. 

One of the lessons we might draw from this passage is the reality that prayer often leads to action. Just as the disciples began to pray for the Lord to send out laborers into His harvest, they were being prepared to answer the call. In this case, praying for laborers was as much about their own hearts as it was the hearts of others. Prayer wasn’t about changing God’s heart or getting Him to take action.

Is the situation likely similar today? Is there a plentiful harvest awaiting? Is the Lord still looking for laborers? Is He calling you to pray about that? It’s only fair to point out that praying for laborers is taking a risk. The risk is that you might be called to answer your own prayer. And that can lead to great joy.

Jesus said: The one who sows and the one who reaps rejoice together (John 4:36). There is joy in being a sharer in the harvest. Because the work of a harvester is not done alone. Typically there is a team involved in the process of bringing a person to Jesus. And the Holy Spirit is the constant on that team. Would you like to be part of that harvest? Pray about it.