Looking Back January 21, 2023 Perla, Carlos Choices, Contentment, Despair, Discontentment, Doubt, Failure, Goals, Growth, Hopelessness, Jacob, Joseph, Paul, Peter, Reflection, Regret, Stephen, Trials, Trust, Unreasonable Expectations Acts, Amos, Exodus, Jeremiah, Matthew, Philippians, Romans
The Unsearchable Riches of Christ April 2, 2022 Beatitudes, Blessings, Covetousness, Fruits of the Spirit, Greed, Happiness, Rest, Riches 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Ephesians, Galatians, Luke, Matthew, Proverbs, Psalms
An Rx for Worrywarts November 6, 2021 Loor, John Jr Faith, Feelings, Health, Trust, Worry 1 John, Isaiah, John, Luke, Matthew, Psalms
Joy in the Morning… And Beyond! August 14, 2021 Clark, Cynthia Jesus, Joseph of Arimathaea, Joy, Mary Magdalene, Nicodemus, Pilate, Tomb 1 Thessalonians, Hebrews, John, Lamentations, Luke, Matthew, Revelation
A Faithful Love February 27, 2021 Gibson, Stephen 3rd Day - Live or Die, Abraham, Isaac, Jesus, Love, Redemption, Sacrifice 1 Samuel, 2 Kings, 2 Samuel, Acts, Exodus, Genesis, Hebrews, Hosea, Jonah, Joshua, Judges, Leviticus, Luke, Matthew
Heaven or the Face of God February 20, 2021 Droze, Don Afterlife, Catholicism, Death, Egyptian Religion, Face of God, Heaven, Hell, Islam, Judaism, Limbo, Mormonism, Norse Mythology, Paganism, Personal Relationship, Purgatory, Second Coming John, Matthew, Revelation
The King’s Garden – part 3 February 13, 2021 Crawford, Ken Babylon, Bride of Christ, Bride of Satan, Chiastic Structure, Cleansing the Temple, Fruits of the Spirit, Israel, Laodicea, Righteousness, Spiritual Israel, Vineyard, Woes 2 Corinthians, Daniel, Galatians, Isaiah, Job, John, Matthew, Psalms, Revelation