Jesus is Coming!

It was August 14, 1831 when William Miller preached his first sermon on the return of Jesus. He spoke in Dresden, New York in the absence of the Baptist minister. While he had been searching the Scriptures about this topic since at least 1818, he had not widely shared his views. He did not feel adequately educated to expound on the subject, yet some in his family were aware of his diligent study and invited him to speak.

He had no desire to preach about his understanding, yet sensed a growing urgency to make others aware of what the Bible taught about Jesus’ return. The impression to share had become so strong that in desperation he made a deal with God. Should he be invited to speak on these issues, he would not refuse. He felt confident that he was safe making the deal, since he was not known as a minister. Who would want him to speak anyway?

Hardly had Mr. Miller inked his covenant with God, when his nephew arrived on horseback to extend the invitation to speak the very next day. He traveled the 16 miles to his sister’s home that afternoon and gathered with those attending ‘church’ the next morning in the family’s large kitchen. His message was delivered rather informally from an arm chair. Those in attendance were moved by his deep knowledge and heartfelt,serious appeal. They asked him to continue speaking each night for the rest of the week. The audience grew and moved to the church as the week progressed. Upon his return home, another speaking invitation awaited, wholly unrelated to the first request.

From that humble launch came a growing number of invitations to speak and an eventually exhausting travel schedule over the next dozen years. Mr. Miller never asked for money, though occasionally someone would make a contribution to defray some of his travel expenses.

While he didn’t live to become a Seventh-day Adventist, we look back to William Miller as one who set the course for the movement which led to the eventual founding of our church in the 1860’s. The message that Jesus is coming soon remains the heartbeat of our calling today. An Adventist is one who believes in the advent or coming of Jesus. Most of us would agree there are plenty of indications that Day could be very soon. We don’t need to know the specific date or time; the vital element is being ready as Jesus made clear in Matthew 24:44. We can watch and pray and live in expectation today. Will you?